Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Heroic Age

 Attacked (9/11, 2001), Crashed, (Wall Street Crash , 2008), and even Massacred (Tuscon Shooting, 2011).  Throughout the years, America gone through some tough times. Now we're in new decade where we are facing many uncertainties.  However, we're also in a new era where heroes are born and reborn. I call this era, "The Heroic Age."

On January 12, 2011, a month before Abraham Lincoln's birthday, President Barack Obama gave a powerful speech at the Tuscon Memorial Service days after the shooting.  Many Americans were angry, mourned, afraid, and willing to blame others. Most importantly, many felt hopeless that there was no point of carrying on.  Obama, however, chose to move into a more optimistic approach towards the situation by saying "Hopes of a Nation are here Tonight." Therefore, President Obama took the opportunity to acknowledge those who've shown courage and bravery.

First, he showed admiration to Daniel Hernandez, the intern who helped save the life of U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords. Obama says directly to Hernandez, "You may deny it but we've decided that you are a 'Hero' because you ran through the chaos to minister to your boss and tendered to her wounds and help keep her alive." In addition, Obama acknowledges the doctors, nurses, and the men who stopped the gunman. He later defines heroism as not only to be found in the battlefield were special training is required. Instead he says, "Heroism is here in the hearts of so many of our fellow citizens."

This speech reminds America that we are living in a new era.  An era where many Americans have been defeated by now learning to get back on our feet.  A time period where the darkest moments allowing us to shine.  And also an age where individuals now have sense of hope for a promising future by going back to school, volunteering, being an honorable business owner, and of course, being a great human being. Unlike last decade, people were hoping for things to get "back to normal." Now America is finally learning to overcome and still truimph. If we were able to beat The Great Depression, win World War II, Walking on the Moon, and ending the Cold War, imagine what we will say about the recession in twenty years from now.

We all have a hero in us that can be discovered despite our backgrounds, incomes, or appearance. In our society, we get confused that heroes have to wear a cape or build an armor in a cave.  A hero doesn't have to be a celebrity . A hero can also be one who has impacted your life in a positive way like a parent.  A parent loves his or her child more than they love themselves. They would literally protect their child.  These qualities define the true meaning of a hero.

In conclusion, despite the downfall we've faced throughout the years, America still has Heroes that haven't been discovered yet. This is the time for us to show our "fireworks" during this Heroic Age.

Jensen Denoyes

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