Monday, April 27, 2015

Dream Big

 We live in a society where having limited ideas is a norm.  Many people’s dreams are overshadowed by various areas of limitation in their lives financially, family, emotionally and geographically. These limitations not only defines them, but also train them to be logical and practical.  However, there is nothing logical about Mahatma Gandhi in his journey to be radical for a change that none of us ever imagined.  There’s nothing realistic of about Gandhi getting thrown in jail numerous times but still leading the greatest nonviolent forgiveness movement in history.  Gandhi once said “Always believe in your dreams, because if you don’t, you’ll not have hope.” He witnessed his own people in India get oppressed by the British Government.  Gandhi made a stand to make a difference in his community. It didn’t come from his culture, educational background from Law School, nor politics; it came internally.  However, Gandhi did not have instructions, manuals, or a road map that helped India to win its independence from Great Britain.  All he had was the internal intuition to dream big.  He knew in order to form an astonishing future for his people, it had to start deep within himself to dream.  By dreaming big, Gandhi not only inspired future advocates such as Dr. Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela; his teachings were also shown by a fictional character like Professor Charles Xavier of the X-MEN.

Although a fictional character, Professor Charles Xavier’s belief still correlated with Gandhi’s practice of having goals to promote the peaceful affirmation of civil rights and to mediate the co-existence of all people of all race or background. Like Ghandi, Charles Xavier also witnessed his group of people with genetic gifted abilities like him, known as mutants,  still get persecuted by those who feared and hated them in society.  Despite the cruelty, Xavier still believed oppression is no excuse for vengeance. He also believed that mutant/human community can live in harmony.  There is nothing logical and realistic about Xavier building a school for young students to not only get a good education but to learn the importance of living in peace and harmony. How is it possible? Like Gandhi, Xavier dreamed big. In the comics, Xavier has a quote that says “Any dream worth having is a dream worth fighting for.” Xavier set goals for himself and he didn’t allow anyone to convince him that his dreams were impossible.

Just like Gandhi and even Xavier, acknowledge the fact that life can come with obstacles. However, it is up to you to persevere and overcome these challenges.  That is why God put us on this earth to find out what we are capable of. In order for us to make this a world a better place and change  the lives of others, you have to dream big. If there is a WILL, there is a way.

Jensen Denoyes

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